Residential Floor Impact Noise Assessments
In our many years of operation, Acoustic Directions has successfully helped numerous strata committees and apartment owners with their floor-related impact noise issues.
Our service includes:
- Floor sample or compliance testing for apartment owners.
- Assisting apartment owners to establish a suitable floor system that is in line with their Strata By-Laws and their expectations of acoustic comfort.
- Providing comprehensive assessments and advice to Strata companies to assist them in formulating or adapting suitable By-Laws relating to floor coverings for their Strata Plans.
- Undertaking impact noise assessments and preparing reports for NCAT (NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal).
- Providing expert witness services at NCAT hearings.
We understand that the achievable acoustic performance varies between buildings and apartments, and accordingly, treat each project as unique and provide tailored solutions.
To guarantee accurate test results, Acoustic Directions owns and maintains our own test equipment, which is properly maintained and calibrated to ensure accurate and reliable results.
Our equipment repository includes:
- Bruel and Kjaer 3207 tapping machine in a wheelable case for impact noise measurements
- NTI-Audio XL2 and Bruel and Kjaer 2250 sound level meters and acoustic analysers
Contact us for an obligation-free discussion on how we can help you.